World’s First AI Record Label Signs Their First Artist, Yung Smilez

Yuni Morales
3 min readAug 9, 2023


Tapped App Welcomes Yung Smilez as First TappedAI Artist: Revolutionizing Artist Empowerment.

In a music industry traditionally dominated by complex contracts and revenue-sharing models, Tapped App is rewriting the rulebook with a game-changing concept that’s ushering in a new era of artist management and representation. By introducing the subscription model to record labels.

Tapped App, renowned for its innovative platform connecting entertainers, booking agents, and industry professionals, has taken an audacious leap forward by introducing TappedAI — an AI-powered record label designed to empower independent artists without infringing upon their creative autonomy or financial potential. Today, we are thrilled to announce the signing of their inaugural artist, Yung Smilez.

Yung Smilez, a burgeoning star in the pop and rap scene, marks a pivotal moment for TappedAI. What truly distinguishes this partnership is the groundbreaking business model that TappedAI is pioneering. In stark contrast to conventional record labels, which often command a significant portion of an artist’s earnings, TappedAI operates on a subscription-based model. Artists, like Yung Smilez, subscribe at a nominal $50 monthly fee, unlocking access to an entire suite of services, resources, and a dedicated team committed to propelling their growth.

A particularly remarkable facet of TappedAI is its unwavering focus on the business side of an artist’s journey. This translates into offering strategic insights, branding assistance, marketing direction, and other crucial services, all while steadfastly honoring the sanctity of the creative process. Artists retain full ownership of their music, preserving their individual artistic identity.

For independent artists who often grapple with limited access to resources and infrastructure, TappedAI’s approach is revolutionary. The $50 monthly subscription extends an invitation to a comprehensive team comprising a manager, A&R specialist, marketer, graphic designer, brand consultant, and a stylist. This comprehensive support ecosystem is meticulously designed to nurture and elevate artists’ careers, providing them a competitive edge within the industry.

The signing of Yung Smilez to TappedAI is emblematic of the shared vision between the artist and Tapped App to reshape the very foundation of the music industry. With a resolute focus on bolstering independent artists, TappedAI leverages AI-powered solutions to provide transformative support precisely when it’s needed.

TappedAI’s approach is nothing short of transformative — democratizing and empowering. It levels the playing field for artists who often find themselves overshadowed by industry giants. This approach isn’t about claiming a slice of an artist’s success; it’s about fueling their journey with the right tools and resources.

As the music industry undergoes a seismic transformation, Tapped App’s TappedAI is at the forefront, offering an inclusive platform that propels artists forward on their terms. With Yung Smilez as our pioneering signee, TappedAI sets a new standard for the future of music — one that prizes creativity, independence, and equal opportunities for artists.

And stay tuned, because soon we plan to unveil an exciting partnership with a funding company that could potentially provide artists with funding without encroaching on their career’s trajectory. At TappedAI, the focus is firmly on artist empowerment, innovation, and breaking the molds that have held the industry captive for far too long.

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Yuni Morales

Music Journalist/Publicist based in Miami, Florida — follow me on Twitter: @mindfulmami222 let’s connect!